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Would enabling thermal process equipment accreditation through expert control and information management help your solution? We can help you with a wide range of products and services designed to meet the audit regulations for Heat Treatment. Regulations fall into two main categories and we can provide you with solutions to meet both requirements:
Publications and further information are available from PRI Network
Specifications are SAE publications and are available from SAE International
ISO/IATF 16949:2002 is an ISO Technical Specification which aligns existing American (QS-9000), German (VDA6.1), French (EAQF) and Italian (AVSQ) automotive quality systems standards within the global automotive industry, with the aim of eliminating the need for multiple certifications to satisfy multiple customer requirements. Together with ISO 9001:2000, ISO/IATF 16949:2002 specifies the quality system requirements for the design/development, production, installation and servicing of automotive related products. The standard is maintained by an international group of vehicle manufacturers plus national trade associations: The International Automotive Task Force (IATF). Publications are available from an abundance of web sites such as BSI Group EMEA.
CQI-9: Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment(HTSA) developed by the AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) provides common assessment criteria for heat treatment processes used by suppliers. It is designed to fit into the approach and audit methodology of IATF 16949 and covers all the common heat treat processes. Pyrometry is covered extensively and AMS2750 is used as a reference document.
Eurotherm is pleased to announce that the 3200i range of indicators and alarm units has been type approved to EuroNorm 14597 TW (DIN Certco Approval to EN14597:2005-12). This European Community standard is a more stringent replacement for the DIN 3440 approvals previously obtained for the range. The 3200i Series also has FM (Factory Mutual) approval in the United States which is a similar standard to EN14597 TW. 3200i Series indicators make an excellent choice for companies shipping products into the EU/US or OEMs who supply into Europe or the United States.
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